When a wedding photographer goes on safari! Maasai Mara National Reserve and Lake Nakuru, Kenya

  1. Cindy Lieber says:

    Ohhh Larissa …. Those are absolutely stunning photos! Kenya has been on my bucket list since I was a kid. My father is a Veterinarian. Back in the 70’s he was teaching a course at Orange Coast College and he led a tour to Kenya. Then in the 80’s he sailed around the world and of course stopped in Kenya and South Africa.

    When I was a kid I had baby Lions and Tigers at home. He was a great Exotic Veterinarian. Hope I can make it Africa some day!

    • Larissa Bahr says:

      Thank you so much!!! And oh man, I would die to be able to play with baby Tigers and Lions! Such a fun childhood experience you had!!!! You should definitely go to Kenya when you can! It is a must-see! I can recommend some great places for you if you go!

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